Whatever you

All managed by one link.

IbexPage simplifies link-sharing on social media, enabling creators to monetize their content by selling products and engaging directly with consumers.

Say more, sell more, share more

Connect your followers to all you offer from your link in bio with a ibex website.

Make it happen

Use a ibex website to start, launch or grow business ideas, passion projects and promotions.

Fun, easy, beautiful, instant

Make and update a ibex website in minutes. No desktops, design or web skills needed!
Trusted by Brands

Setup, customize and share in minutes

Create A Professional Link In Bio Page:

Ibex enhances bio links with personalized pages, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

Centralize All Your Links In One Place:

Consolidate all your key links with ibex. One link, everything you need.

Collect Email From Your Customers:

Easily grow your email list with ibex. Capture visitor emails to stay engaged with your audience.

Accept Donations And Payments:

Earn effortlessly with CheckYa! Sell products, accept contributions, or run fundraisers directly from your bio link.

Sell Your Digital Downloads:

Sell digital products with ease using ibex! Offer e-books, music, presets, and more directly from your bio link, no extra platforms needed.

Offer Bookings And Appointments:

Easily schedule meetings or consultations through your bio link with Ibex, saving time for you and your clients.

Free To Get Started:

Ibex's free plan lets you start your link-in-bio journey with no upfront costs. Ideal for creators at any career stage.

Monthly Users
Social Media Reach

Show the world what you’re made of. Start making your free ibex website.

Benefits of using IbexPage

IbexPage provides creators with a streamlined way to monetize their creative work and build sustainable income streams
Increased Engagement
IbexPage allows followers to engage with a variety of content, resulting in higher interaction rates.
Enhanced Accessibility
Users can access all the important links from one place, leading to a more seamless and convenient browsing experience.
Flexible Content Sharing
It offers the flexibility to share everything from articles and products to videos and music, catering to diverse content creators.

Hear what our creators are saying

“Sharing links with my audience couldn’t have been easier! My audience loves Wishlink, and so do I. Best part? I can link ANY product from ANY brand, with EVERY post on my Insta.”

“Over 80% of my monthly earnings come from Wishlink! I can now work with top brands whenever I want and earn 20% commissions. It’s crazy!”

“I approached Wishlink team in May when I had just 3.5k followers on Insta. In less than 4 months I’m at 135k, and Wishlink’s had a big role to play in this!"

“Being a fashion creator, it’s very important to share links with your audience. Wishlink helps me do it very easily. Plus, the freedom to create content on my terms makes it all the more awesome!”

“I have done more than 5 Youtube campaigns with Wishlink, and the experience has been seamless so far. What I love the most is that I get payouts based on the sales I drive - which is extremely fair!”


How can my audience find exact product links on my Ibex?
All recommended products are linked with your content - so finding links for your audience is a piece of cake.
How much commissions do I earn from Ibex?
You earn flat 20% commissions from all brand products sold from your Wishlink. For products from eComm platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Ajio - you earn 5-9% commissions.
How do I track &redeem these commissions?
You can track the commissions, along with deep analytics of your followers’ buying behaviour via your Wishlink Dashboard. You can redeem these commissions whenever you want!
What products and brands can I recommend from my Ibex?
Literally any product from any brand, available anywhere on the internet can be linked on your Wishlink.
Can I get any paid campaigns or collabs with Ibex?
Yes, Ibex provides paid collabs of your favv brands regularly.